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热门期刊: 细胞研究(英文版)中华医学杂志(英文版)国际临床研究杂志




Analysis of the clinical effect of acute pancreatitis gastroenterology


DOI 10.12208/j.ijcr.20230079
International Journal of Clinical Research
年,卷(期) 2023, 7(2)

湖北省当阳市人民医院 湖北当阳 ;

本文主要是针对急性胰腺炎患者在治疗时候对采用消化内科治疗方法所产生的临床效果进行研究。方法 在医院中选择100名急性胰腺炎的患者,之后将这些患者随机的分为两个小组,其中一个小组是采用常规的方式进行治疗(常规组),另一个小组的患者则是采用消化内科的方法予以治疗(消化组)。在治疗结束之后,对比两组患者的治疗结果,进而判断出消化内科治疗方法的具体效果。两组患者治疗结果的对比主要是分为两个方面:一方面是患者治疗的效果情况,另一方面是患者临床指标的情况。结果 通过两组患者治疗结果的对比,可以发现消化内科治疗的方法具有较为显著的效果,不仅可以使患者治疗的有效性提升起来,也可以改善患者的各项身体指标。结论 根据本次研究的结果,可以证明在进行急性胰腺炎患者治疗的时候,消化内科治疗的方法具有较高的价值,可以广泛使用在临床上。
Objective To discuss the clinical application value of aesthetic restoration of anterior teeth. Methods Fifty patients with anterior dental restoration admitted by the stomatology department of our hospital between February 1, 2019 and February 1, 2019 were selected and divided into two groups according to the differences in clinical treatment plans, namely: The control group (conventional anterior tooth restoration program) and the experimental group (aesthetic anterior tooth restoration program), each group was 25 cases, and then compared the two groups of patients after the treatment of dental function, dental aesthetic degree, satisfaction and other indicators for analysis. Results According to the scores of tooth function and tooth beauty, the experimental group were (50.23±0.56) points and (49.01±0.22) points, and the control group were (49.23±0.44) points and (48.12±1.45) points, respectively. After repair, the experimental group was (95.12±1.25) points, (93.33±0.78) points, respectively, the control group was (90.12±0.15) points, (80.12±1.45) points, the contrast difference was significant, there was statistical advantage, P < 0.05. In addition, the satisfaction rate of patients in the experimental group was 96.00%, which was far higher than that of the control group, which was 76.00%. There was a significant difference in the comparison of the above indicators, and there was a statistical advantage, P < 0.05. Conclusion For anterior tooth restoration, aesthetic restoration program can greatly improve the aesthetic appearance of patients teeth, and the clinical therapeutic effect is very significant. This treatment program is conducive to improving the satisfaction of patients, so it is recommended to be widely used in the treatment of oral diseases.
Acute pancreatitis; Gastroenterology treatment; Clinical effects; Effect research
页码 104-106
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