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热门期刊: 细胞研究(英文版)中华医学杂志(英文版)国际临床研究杂志




Discuss the risk control in the construction process of local technical renovation projects of tobacco enterprises


DOI 10.12208/j.ispm.20230003
Research on Information System Project Management
年,卷(期) 2023, 3(1)

重庆中烟工业有限责任公司重庆卷烟厂安全管理科 重庆 ;

Compared with the local technical renovation projects of tobacco enterprises, the difficulty of construction is higher, involving multi-party cooperation, and the difficulty coefficient of safety management rises sharply. Mainly subject to the project site is narrow, complex, tight, heavy task, both old facilities, pipeline, and new equipment, pipeline installation and debugging, in the process of a large number of high-risk operations, dangerous big engineering operations, have higher technical requirements, high construction risk, high management difficulties, frequent accidents, become the difficulty of enterprise safety management and pain points. Through the analysis of the current situation of local technical transformation safety management and the risk identification, Explore the risk control measures in the construction process of local technical transformation, Through the practice of building the case enterprise security risk control framework, Formed a clear responsibility, clear hierarchy, grid safety supervision system and management process, Implement the safety responsibilities of all parties, Build the whole process risk prevention mechanism for all staff to ensure the effective control of the construction process risk; Closed-loop management of problems found in the process of hidden dangers at all levels, To prevent or reduce or even eliminate the occurrence of construction site safety accidents, Ensure that the project security risk control objectives are within a controllable range, Realized the safe and efficient construction of the project, It provides effective guidance for other enterprises and forms reference experience.
Local Technical Transformation; Risk Control; Enterprise Safety Management
页码 10-15
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